Thursday, November 20, 2008

just a little update

well even though I haven't posted in a month, I have still been staying on track. I am 25.5 lbs down from 199 lbs. i am very excited but I know that I am not done yet. I am on new birth control so that is takes away my hunger for the most part. My daughter is doing well too. She is 18 months now and growing like a weed. If anyone likes that I am getting healthy it would be her. So much more I can do with my baby girl when i don't feel like a blob. I have been watching biggest loser every Tuesday and believe it or not; it gives me the motivation i need to continue this weight loss. i have 14 lbs to lose before I hit my first goal. how exciting is that? I know all things are possible if you just work towards your goals and don't give up. Here's a picture of me at 180 lbs....I have since lost 6 lbs but it will give you an idea of what i'm working with. (aka junk in the trunk.) I am the one on the left and my sister is on the right.

SW: 199

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

6 months and weight watchers

six months have come and gone and I've gained weight. Not too much about 8 lbs. So I have decided to join weight watchers. i went and bought all my food for the month and am going to do the flex points.....let me backtrack. In the last six months i have moved from Yreka California to Redding California, got a job at a chain pet store and had put my weight loss on the back burner. Well I dont want to let myself get that big again. So here I am weighing 184 and at the mercy of weight watchers. So far so good. I will give it two weeks and see how i feel.

Ps the gut is back but it's not here to stay.

SW: 199

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Weight 176 lbs left 56

so life is life and I've been lazy. I haven't updated in a long while... It's taking me a longer time than I thought it would in order to lose this weight. I hardly lose more than two pounds a week and lately it seems like way less than that. But I'm optimistic because the scale is finally going down again. I need to get back into exercises...I have let it slip up a little bit. I am still the old me obviously! But I can still do this! I have doing something stupid lately. I have been looking online at the pro anorexia sites...not becasue I'm anorexic...duh that's a hell of a lot of weight difference between me and an anorexic! I've been going to these sites because I want to be thin and the pictures really trigger me to stay on track. Not the ones where all you see is bones...that's just kind of gruesome! I feel bad for even going to these sites. I haven't told anyone why I got out of the military...Not a single person, the crazy thing is that nobody even asks me why I got out early or how...maybe that's because no one in my life really cares. But here's the secret I have been hiding from everyone that knows me...I got kicked out of the military for having an Eating disorder. i didn't get out because I had a baby...she saved me from my eating disorder by the way. I didn't get out because they were letting people go early, and I didn't get out because of my hypoglycemia. Now the world knows it; well maybe not the world because no one I know reads this blog anyway. I do believe that i gained so much weight from being pregnant because I started eating more in order for my daughter to have a fighting chance. In the meantime my body started storing all those extra calories....oh great right? I'm not trying to be so unoptimistic but damn it I am down today! I also want to emphasis that I am not losing this weight in an unhealthy way. I eat right and reap the benefits. I don't starve myself and I don't vomit what I eat up. I am not practicing my ED in any way. I want to be 120 already!

SW: 199

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

analytically speaking

I have been running three days this week so far.....I guess you can call it running. Yesterday I tripped over the raised concrete and I do believe I looked like I was flying...flying, running same difference. I feel like I am losing my mojo just a little bit. Maybe I'll just start counting calories again. I havent done that in a while because I felt like it was making me feel like I had to record my whole life. I'd spend more time analysing my exercise and eating habits than just working out. I think I am guilty of overthinking and analyzing everything. I wonder when i'll get to 170...a decade from now? It was so easy to eat myself out of house and home and gain the weight. In fact that was a pretty consistant weight gain. It's so much harder taking it off. I wish it was like those commercials you see where a random person finds someone's stomache fat just sitting on the stairway, then the narrater says something like someone must have used the stairs. You don't see me finding my stomache flab just hanging out on the stairs........nope it stays put right on the tummy.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Weight 180 Pounds Left 60

So it's been two weeks since I posted. I have been out of town and really haven't been proud of myself. I drank alcohol twice so I feel like I majorely fell off the bandwagon. I guess if I put it into perspective it's really not all that bad. I only had about two servings of alcohol the first time and one serving the second time. I still managed to lose weight this last two weeks. Four pounds is still an accomplishment. I am finally down to 180...I can't wait to hit the 70's....time goes by whether or not I am losing weight so I might as well spend it taking off the extra pounds...It's been two months and I've lost 19 lbs, that's a big accomplishment really. I know I mostly speak of weight issues on here...but I feel like sharing...I met a new guy and he's completely different than the usual undesirables I usually date. The thing is that he is in the Air Force so I will only get to see him when he is on leave. It figures you find something so incredible and you can't just enjoy have to wait it out and see if it actually works for you.

SW: 199

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Weight 184 Pounds Left 64

woohoo so I lost some weight this week. It wasn't a lot but it was enough to keep me on track and not get bummed out. Three pounds is good especially for this week. So I'm not giving up and we will see how much weight I can lose doing this healthy. My goal weight is 120 but it has been pointed out to me that that may be too small for my body height. I am very small boned so I don't think it will be but if it is I will not take it that far. This isn't about being super small. So if I am healthy at 130 I'll stay there and just maintain. If I am healthy at 140 I will grin and bear it. This is a real life changing experience for me. I'm loving it really. I'm so excited to hopefully soon be in the 170's. That's almost prepregnancy weight but not quite. I'm going to put up some pictures here pretty soon. Fifteen pounds lost....That's awesome!

SW: 199

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Weight 187 Pounds left 67

So I have lost more weight! I am excited. I feel like life is good and I am going to be able to do this. I cheated tonight. I went out to a diner with my family and ordered meatloaf. That meatloaf was cold and salty so I took it back and got chicken strips instead. I only ate 3 but I still feel so guilty. I broke the diet on purpose though. I wanted to prove to myself that I can have a bad meal and not toss the whole diet. I feel guilty but know that for me this test was a necessary I lost 5 lbs this week who hoo! That's awesome. I am hoping for another 5 but lets see if that happens. I refuse to be upset if it doesn't


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

doing well

I was a little bummed last week because I didn't feel like I was losing weight. This week I feel like I was probably wrong. Things just fit better. I'll post my weight on Thursday and let everyone know. I'm eating 6 small meals a day in hopes that that is good enough to rev up the metabolism. A new class of mine has started so I'm trying to balance 17 units with this whole getting fit routine. So far it's not going so great. I need to devote more time to my studies. Oh well.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Weight 192 Pounds left 72

Well I have only lost two pounds this week. Thats not what I was hoping for! I am just going to keep doing what I'm doing and hope it shows me more weight loss next week. This wasn't supposed to be a quick fix anyway. I'm thinking about adding running to my work out regimen. It would be so good for me! It's hard to find a babysitter though. Maybe Ill start running when she's napping since her grandpa is always home. Curves is now just another part of my routine. Every weekday I go and I workout for 45 minutes to an hour. It feels so good! I'm feeling more tone now. I am still eating healthy but I think I am going to follow Curve's advice and stick with 1200 calories a day. Even though it was only two pounds I am still proud of myself.

SW: 199

Monday, February 25, 2008

I will do this

I have been thinking, why did I do this to myself? What made me overeat so much? I thought back and I realized I was 11 when I got put in foster care. I never felt fat before then. Suddenly I hated myself and didn't care anymore. Thinking about it now I think maybe I blamed myself for everything...I know I blamed myself for everything. I need to get over this in order to like myself again. It wasn't my fault my mother left. I have to keep telling myself that. I remember being 11 and weighing 128 lbs and thinking I would just die if I gained another pound. But of course i kept eating. I think It was then that I developed a horrible self image and at the same time it was then that I sabbotaged myself. It's important to realize what makes me this way but it's so hard to face.

On a different note... I believe I am still losing weight but I won't know until thursday's weigh in with Curves. Even if I didn't lose weight this week I have decided not to change a thing because it's no longer just about the weight, it's about loving myself enough to eat right, exercise and enjoy the energy it brings me. Yesterday Curves was closed so I just bought a work out video and worked out at home. It was kind of embarrassing as my whole family watched me shake my booty to the beat :) Mother tells me she notices a big difference in me already. I haven't had anyone else notice though and that's ok...its a small weight loss right now so I'll just count my blessings and be happy with what I have. I have these "Skinny jeans" that I have and I can't wait to fit back into them. They are a size 7. That will be the day! One day at a time though. It's not just that I can do this, it's that I will do this.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Weight 194 Pounds left 74

It has been a few days and let me tell you I feel great. I have only missed one day of exercise in the past 8 days. I can feel muscles being created. I have more energy, I'm happier with myself, I don't crave the fatty stuff as much anymore. Curves is awesome. The ladies really show me respect and are like friends really. I go in there I do my 45-60 minute workout and it feels like It's just social hour. Everyone is so sweet. I am now down 5 lbs already making my new weight 194 lbs. This is exciting. I have a wedding to go to in May (two of them actually) I want to look good all dressed up. I think I'm losing inches but I don't want to jinx myself. I am trying my hardest not to over constrict. Making your lifestyle change too restrictive just makes it easier to fail. I am trying to keep the calories up to 1200 and below 1500. I am experiencing boredom with my food choices so I'm going to be looking up some new recipes here soon. I am starting to love myself again. It's a great feeling.

Height: 5'5"
SW: 199
CW: 194
GW1: 160
GW2: 120

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Weight 199 Pounds left 79

Hi my name is Sara and I'm changing my life. I had my daughter Kelcy 9 months ago and have used it as an excuse to gain 39 lbs during that time. I was already 160 lbs. I want to use this site to show my progress over time as I lose the weight and gain myself back. I currently weigh 199 lbs. I am only 5'5" tall. Four days ago I joined Curve and decided to give it my all. I cut out all processed foods and only eat the healthy starches. I eat fat free sugar free pudding as a snack. I know now that I can do this! Every 11th I will post my weight loss. I am so excited to get my life back!
